Terms Of Service

Refund policy

MediaLinkers refund policy includes refund of the amount if the client has sent the requirements of project precisely documented and if work done is not in accordance with that document. Client can not claim a refund against a complain or dissatisfacton which is 7 days older. No refund is issued once a complete payment is made and website has been delivered.

Completion Date

Client must also supply all source materials to timescale, failure to provide source materials or respond back/giving feedback within 30 days of the specified timescale will be sufficient grounds for Medialinkers Web Design and Hosting Services to cancel the agreement and retain any deposits or stage payments made thus far as cancellation fees. If you want to continue with the project you have to sign a new agreement with MediaLinkers


Medialinkers Web Design and Hosting Services Web Design reserves the right to levy extra charges (if you have given your acceptance on a prototype and then on later stage after publishing you have asked about design changes, Medialinkers will charge you for design and the work that has been effected for implementing new design) if additional unexpected time is expended on the creation of the site, or loading of the site onto the internet, due to circumstances beyond our control or due to working with material created and/or provided by a third party.

Service and Product Rates

All Client Order's require an advance payment of fifty (50%) before commencing the work and fifty 50% on completion before delivery. Only marketing management has the right to initiate a project with 30% upfront payment. Thereafter, twenty (20%) percent shall be paid before the start of final design and development and the remaining fifty (50%) percent of the Client Order total will be due upon release of the Final Pages. Medialinkers Web Design and Hosting Services reserves the right, subject to (30) days advance email notice to the Client, to change the rates charged for any ongoing maintenance services provided to Client. Medialinkers Web Design and Hosting Services must receive payment prior to final release of the Client Order.


In the event of a dispute regarding the design of the web site or withheld or late payment Medialinkers Web Design and Hosting Services reserves the right to withhold or withdraw all web pages and image files until such dispute is resolved.

In a case our representative gives you a favor and upload your website before getting remaining dues at your side (with your promise to clear the balance amount on specified date) Medialinkers will have full right to withdraw all web pages without any notification.